SAPPHIRE23 US-Japan Joint Training to the PCG - Continuing our efforts to realize FOIP -

The Japan Coast Guard (JCG) dispatched three members of its Mobile Cooperation Team (MCT), a special team that provides foreign coast guard agencies with capacity building on maritime safety and security, to the Philippines from 14 Aug (Mon.) to 2 Sep (Sat.) 2023, in cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). MCT also collaborate with the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) as part of SAPPHIRE to provide technical assistance to the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).

Technical Assistance Details
1.Training dates: 15-18 Aug
Implementing Agency: MCT of JCG
Target organization: PCG
Contents: Safe operation, Lecture on handling water cannon and Arresting techniques.
2.Training dates: 21-25 Aug
Implementing Agency: MCT of JCG
Target organization: PCG
Contents: Arresting techniques (including teaching methods).
3. Training dates: 28 Aug to 1 Sep
Implementing Agency: MCT of JCG and MTT of USCG
Target organization: PCG
Contents: Instruction on maintenance and servicing of PCG patrol vessel

The JCG and The USCG, the coast guard agencies of the U.S. and Japan, have been strengthening their coordination a

nd cooperative relationship through various opportunities and providing technical assistance to the coast guard agencies in the Indo-pacific region to realize a "Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)" based on the rule of law.

US-Japan joint engagements are referred to as SAPPHIRE*, and those to be implemented in 2023 are described as SAPPHIRE23.
*SAPPHIRE: Solid Alliance for Peace and Prosperity with Humanity and Integrity on the Rule of law-based Engagement
Lecture on handling water cannonArresting techiniques instructionArresting techiniques instructionGroup photoInstruction on maintenance and servicing for PCG patrol vessel with USCGGroup photo with USCG