Capacity-Building Assistance to the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (Summary of Results)

The Japan Coast Guard (JCG) dispatched an associate professor of the Japan Coast Guard Academy and a staff member of its Search and Rescue Division to the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) from August 7 to 18, 2023, under the auspices of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to provide capacity-building assistance for a maritime search-and-rescue training program in the MMEA.

This capacity-building program was organized by the MMEA as a joint project under the Third-Country Training Program (TCTP) between the Government of Malaysia and JICA. ("Third-Country Training Program" means a program for third countries.)

The training was mainly conducted by the MMEA.

Through the training program, we provided assistance to improve the knowledge of search and rescue among third-country participants and to share the experience of leadership with MMEA supervisory staff.

Implementation Items

・Explanation of the JCG operation
・Lecture on Search and Rescue
・Introduction of the rescue system by the JCG
・Tabletop training for rescue operations
・Introduction of search-and-rescue case studies
・Training of search-and-rescue instructors


・Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) officers
・14 participants from 8 countries invited by the MMEA and JICA.

Summary of Results

The MMEA took the initiative in providing capacity-building support for the Third Country Training Program (TCTP) as a joint project of the Malaysian government and JICA, and held an international training course from August 7 to 18, 2023. The training program participants invited by the MMEA and JICA were 14 people from 8 countries, not only from Malaysia but also from other Southeast Asian countries,

The JCG has dispatched long-term experts as JICA experts to the MMEA. It has provided support for capacity-building of the MMEA, including the ability to manage international training programs. This time, JCG dispatched two additional members who, together with long-term experts, provided necessary support to MMEA staff and third-country participants by direct lectures in maritime search and rescue theory and provided assistance on tabletop training conducted by the MMEA.

The JCG will continue to support coast guard agencies in the Indo-Pacific region toward the realization of a "Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)".

An_overview_of_the_JCGAn overview of the JCG

Lecture_on_introduction_to_Search_and_Rescue_1Lecture on introduction to Search and Rescue ①

Lecture_on_introduction_to_Search_and_Rescue_2Lecture on introduction to Search and Rescue ②

Interaction_with_training_participantsInteraction with training participants