Training program "Maritime Law Enforcement Course" (Summary of results)

The Japan Coast Guard (JCG) participated in the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) training program "Maritime Law Enforcement Course" from 18 June to 26 July with the aim of enhancing operational execution capabilities of foreign coast guard agencies.

1.Training Schedule
June 18 to July 26 2023.

2.Participating countries and trainees (17 trainees from 12 countries)
Malaysia 3, Philippines 3, Indonesia 2, Maldives 1, East Timor 1, Mozambique 1, Nigeria 1, Djibouti 1, Papua New Guinea 1, Samoa 1, Solomon Islands 1, Micronesia 1.

3.Action items
(1) Lectures by experts and JCG staff members on international crimes such as piracy, smuggling, illegal migration, etc.

(2) Training in arresting techniques and practical training using forensic equipment.

(3) Visits to the JCG Academy, patrol vessels, and other related facilities.

4.Summary of results
Through lectures on specialized fields related to Maritime Law Enforcement, visits to Coast Guard-related facilities, and on-the-job training under the guidance of Coast Guard officers with specialized knowledge, we were able to impart knowledge and skills necessary for maritime law enforcement to the trainees.

After returning to their home countries, the trainees will share the knowledge and skills that they have acquired in this training program with their respective organizations for the sake of formulating coast guard policies, enhancing personnel development, and improving interoperability.

The JCG will continue to contribute to the maintenance of maritime order based on the rule of law, peace, and safety on the sea by strengthening cooperation with other coast guard colleagues through our capacity-building assistance.

国際法の講義状況Lecture on International Law

Arresting technique training

Forensics training

Illegal fishing control training

Tour of Haneda Air Base

Group photo