MCT dispatched to Malaysia

February 8th, 2023

The Japan Coast Guard (JCG) dispatched two members of its Mobile Cooperation Team (MCT), a special team that provides foreign coast guard agencies with capacity building on maritime safety and security, to the Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) from January 29th to February 4th, 2023. This dispatch was under the framework of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The MCT provided brush-up training on arresting techniques for 16 MMEA personnel, including six past instructor course participants trained in Japan.

The participants practiced basic skills and applied them repeatedly to maintain and improve their skills. The participants joined the training enthusiastically to master the skills.

The JCG will continue to support overseas maritime safety and security partners towards the realization of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific.

Opening ceremony

Training situation①

Training situation②

Training situation③

Training situation④

Group photo