Capacity Building Support for Overseas Coast Guard Agencies (Summary of results)

Nov 10, 2022

From this September to November, the Japan Coast Guard (JCG) invited on-site commanders from overseas coast guard agencies to Japan for two training courses, "Maritime Search and Rescue, Maritime Disaster Prevention, and Maritime Environment Protection" and "Maritime Law Enforcement," under the framework of JICA, aiming to strengthen the maritime operational system in each country.

1 Action items

(1) "Maritime Search and Rescue, Maritime Disaster Prevention, and Maritime Environment Protection" course (Sep. 7 to Nov. 5, 17 trainees)

・Lectures on search and rescue, maritime disaster prevention and environmental conservation, etc.

 ・Visiting facilities such as the Haneda Special Recue Station with hands-on training using rescue equipment

・Practical training on maritime disaster prevention

(2) "Maritime Law Enforcement" course (Sep. 30 to Nov. 9, 18 trainees)

・Lectures on combating piracy, international maritime law, illicit drug smuggling and migration, etc.

・On-site visits including speed boat demonstrations and on-board training on JCG patrol ships.

・Practical hands-on training on criminal investigation at the Japan Coast Guard Academy.

2 Summary of results

 ・In each course, overseas trainees could learn skills and knowledge that involve the field of maritime safety and security, through various lectures, on-site visits and training. The trainees also actively asked questions and exchanged opinions in various scenes.

・After returning to their countries, the trainees will feed back what they learned through this training. Moreover, they will be expected to utilize their knowledge in order to improve their missions and create better designs for coast guard administration.

 ・The Japan Coast Guard will continue to support foreign coast guard agencies in capacity building and deepen the bond with those agencies. In doing so, we will promote an international order based on the rule of law and contribute to the peace, safety, and security of the seas.