JCG dispatched the Mobile Cooperation Team to BAKAMLA

The Japan Coast Guard (JCG) dispatched two members of its Mobile Cooperation Team (MCT), a special team that provides foreign coast guard agencies with capacity building on maritime safety and security, and a professor of the Japan Coast Guard Academy (JCGA) to the Indonesia Coast Guard (BAKAMLA) from July 10 to 15, 2022. This dispatch was under the framework of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The contents of the dispatch were lectures on maritime law enforcement by MCT and a lecture on UNCLOS by JCGA.

In the lectures, there were active comments and questions from participants. There were participants from other Indonesian maritime safety agencies, such as Marine Police, participating online. These lectures were meaningful and valuable opportunities to consider more effective support for BAKAMLA. The JCG will continue to support Indonesian maritime agencies including BAKAMLA.

※Since 2020, JCG has supported BAKAMLA based on the Memorandum of Cooperation between JCG and BAKAMLA on Maritime Security and Safety signed in 2019. This dispatch is a part of the "2022 Cooperation Program", on which an agreement was made during the annual meeting between JICA/JCG and BAKAMLA in 2021.