JCG dispatched the Mobile Cooperation Team to Djibouti Coast Guard

The Japan Coast Guard (JCG) dispatched four members of its Mobile Cooperation Team (MCT), which is a special team for providing technical support and consulting services in maritime safety and security for foreign coast guard agencies, to the Djibouti Coast Guard (DCG) from June 30th to July 16th, 2022, under the framework of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for the second time this year.

This time MCT provided the DCG's officials with support on maritime law enforcement and training on ship-boarding and arresting techniques. In addition, the MCT also verified the DCG's current law enforcement skills and their equipment for further future assistance.

The participants of the DCG worked enthusiastically by asking questions during the training, and the JCG and the DCG could strengthened their good relationship. Enhancing the DCG's capabilities is not only maintaining security off the coast of Djibouti, but also contributing to ensure the safety of maritime transportation for Japan. The JCG will continue to support the DCG.

Since 2013, as part of "The Project for Capacity Development of the DCG" by JICA, the JCG has supported the project by dispatching personnel as short-term experts regularly. Now, the project is succeeding in PhaseⅢ, which is conducting training for trainers on maritime law enforcement supported by the JCG.