JCG-USCG Joint Exercise(SAPPHIRE22 summary of results) ~First time for JCG to conduct Joint Exercise with Sector Guam, USCG~

JCG conducted a joint counter-narcotics exercise with JCG patrol vessel MIZUHO and USCG cutter OLIVER HENRY off the coast of Guam on Jun. 7th, 2022.
This joint exercise between JCG and USCG is the second time in 2022 based on the SAPPHIRE, following a joint exercise of the coast of San Francisco last month.

1. Outline
○Time schedule : Jun. 7th, 2022, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM(JST)
○Location : Off the coast of Guam
Patrol vessel Mizuho (6,000t, PLH-type) belonging to Nagoya Coast Guard Office,
the 4th regional Coast Guard Headquarters.
Cutter Olive Henry (350t) belonging to Sector Guam, the 14th District, Pacific Area.

2. Summary
JCG and USCG, which are maritime law enforcement agencies, have been deeply interacting since the establishment of JCG in 1948, and have been trying to strengthen cooperation through various opportunities.

This is the second joint exercise of this year and was conducted as one of the SAPPHIRE, JCG-USCG joint efforts base on the annex to the 2010 Memorandum of Cooperation, signed between JCG and USCG on May 18, 2022.

In this exercise, which envisaged the crackdown on foreign fishing boat suspected drug smuggling, both the agencies confirmed the methods of transmission and sharing of information between them, and shared the techniques and knowledge necessary for cracking down on maritime crimes by confirming a series of steps from finding out of a foreign fishing boat to tracking and capture, stoppage measures, on-board inspection.

JCG will continue to promote cooperation and collaboration with USCG through combined effort between JCG and USCG to realize the FOIP.

<Reference 1>
SAPPHIRE: Solid Alliance for Peace and Prosperity with Humanity and Integrity on the Rule-of-law based Engagement

<Reference 2> SAPPHIRE22 First Joint Exercise
May 21 Search and rescue exercise off the coast of San Francisco

<Reference 3> Overview of USCG
・Outline of organization
Maritime law enforcement agency belonging to the Department of Homeland Security.
Two Headquarters in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean and 9 districts under it.
・Staffing level and equipment
Staffing level app. 49,000, Vessels/craft app. 1,900, aircraft app. 200
・Main mission
Low enforcement, Navigation safety, Search and rescue, Marine environment conservation,
National defense・Emergency response
