SAPPHIRE22 Conducting the first JCG-USCG combined exercise in 2022 Promote SAPPHIRE, joint JCG-USCG efforts to maintain the FOIP

JCG and USCG conducted the SAR joint exercise with JCG training vessel KOJIMA and USCG patrol boats and aircrafts off the coast of San Francisco on May 20, 2022. JCG and USCG signed the annex to the 2010 Memorandum of Cooperation on May 18, 2022 to the realization of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP).
This joint exercise between JCG and USCG is the first time in 2022 based on the SAPPHIRE.

1. Outline
○Time schedule :
   May 20th, 2022, 12:00 to 14:30 (PDT)
   (May 21st, 2022, 04:00 to 06:30 (JST))

○Location : Drakes Bay, San Francisco
○Participants :
    Training vessel KOJIMA
    Station Golden Gate 47Ft MLB
    C-27J (Airplane)
    MH-65 (Helicopter)
○Contents :
   Search and Rescue (SAR) joint exercise for rescuing a person who fell overboard

2. Summary
JCG and USCG have been in deep contact since JCG's establishment in 1948, and since signing the 2010 Memorandum of Cooperation, they have strived to achieve increase collaboration and coordination.
This is the first joint exercise of the year and was conducted as one of the SAPPHIRE, JCG-USCG joint efforts based on the annex to the 2010 Memorandum of Cooperation, signed between JCG and USCG on May 18, 2022.
The training vessel KOJIMA is on the international training cruise and the occasion of her port call in San Francisco, the SAR joint exercise with USCG was conducted.
Through this exercise, both JCG and USCG confirmed the methods of communication and information sharing, as well as the sequence of search and rescue operations, and shared techniques and knowledge of SAR.
Furthermore, the training provided a great opportunity for the trainees to learn the importance of cooperation with foreign coast guard agencies.
JCG will continue to promote cooperation and collaboration with USCG through combined efforts between JCG and USCG to maintain the FOIP.

SAPPHIRE: Solid Alliance for Peace and Prosperity with Humanity and Integrity on the Rule-of-law based Engagement

<Photos during training>


