JCG dispatched its divers to Malaysia ~Support for MMEA diving instruction techniques~

  Japan Coast Guard dispatched a diving instructor of Japan Coast Guard Academy and two divers of Special Rescue Team to Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) from February 20th to March 23rd in order to support capacity building in diving instruction techniques.

  JCG has supported for MMEA about diving skills since 2014.In 2018, JCG began capacity building support in diving instruction techniques for MMEA to establish the self-diving training system which MMEA diving instructor educate and train its divers.

  JCG could not dispatch its divers to Malaysia due to COVID-19 pandemic last year, thus MMEA and JCG had a workshop on sharing diving skills and best practices via online, Indian Coast Guard divers also attended, to follow this training. It was the first time in two years that JCG dispatched its divers to Malaysia.

  In this training, instructor candidates and divers from MMEA participated in, and dispatched JCG divers had a lecture via online during the self-isolation for entry into Malaysia.

After the isolation, JCG divers had a face-to-face lecture, training in the pool and the sea supported by patrol vessel "PEKAN" which was provided from Japan Coast Guard (its previous name was patrol vessel "Erimo")).

  In this training, instructor candidates from MMEA had taken the core role in running this training. And JCG divers confirmed that MMEA had steadily advanced.

  JCG will continue to support for MMEA with JICA long term experts dispatched from JCG and to actively work on extending assistance for the capacity building for MMEA.

       Opening Ceremony            Actual case about capsized ship

      Briefing during the training          Introduction before the sea training

     Rope work training in the sea           Participants of the training