MCT had a training on the transport of COVID-19 patients for DMLE officials

The JCG Mobile Cooperation Team(MCT) had a training on the transport of COVID-19 patients for crew members of Patrol vessel KEDAM that belong to Division of Marine Law Enforcement (DMLE) in Republic of Palau on 21 July at Kagoshima prefecture, supported by The Nippon Foundation.

Patrol vessel KEDAM, which was provided by The Nippon Foundation, came to Kagoshima port due to its regular maintenance.

MCT took this opportunity to assist capacity building of DMLE cooperated with the Mobile Rescue Technicians of Kagoshima Air Station who have been actually conducting operations for the transport of COVID-19 patients.

This MCT's training was the first face to face (but with masks) capacity building support to foreign coast guard agencies after the world wide pandemic of COVID-19.

DMLE officials had the lecture on basic knowledge of transporting patients of COVID-19, and practical training of basic transport procedures and handling personal protective equipment against infections. Their training ended up with the drill for the transport of COVID-19 patients by using their own patrol vessel KEDAM.

DMLE officials made their effort to the training. "This is a precious opportunity because transporting patients with wearing protective equipment is the first time for us." One of DMLE officials commented after the training.

DMLE officials also had an opportunity to observe arresting technique training conducted by Patrol vessel "Koshiki" on 24 June, diving training conducted by Patrol vessel "Satsuma" on 30 June, and Operations Center of the 10th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters on 16 July. Moreover, the captain of KEDAM made a courtesy call on the Commander of the 10th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters on 16 July.

After all events finished, KEDAM departed Kagoshima port while being sent off by the Director for Coast Guard International Cooperation of the Headquarters, officials of the 10th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters and officials of the Kagoshima Coast Guard Office on 26 July. They arrived at port of Palau on 2 August. It is expected that the experience of training in Japan will be utilized in Palau.

JCG supports capacity building for foreign coast guard agencies utilizing the abundant experiences and achievements of JCG to materialize the "Free and Open Indo-Pacific."

Lecture by MCT

Basic training on transport patients

Equipment handling training

Exercize to transport COVID-19 patients
Observation on arresting technique training

Observation on diving training
Coutesy call on the Commander of the 10th Regional
Coast Guard Headquarters
Departure of KEDAM from Kagoshima port